Kess L. Ballentine, MA, MSW, PhD

Wayne State University School of Social Work

5447 Woodward Ave, Detroit, MI 48202 313-577-5942

  • Doctor of Philosophy, 2021

    Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies Doctoral Certificate, 2021

    University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, 2021

    Dissertation: “You Have No Idea What It Takes”: An Examination of How Low-wage Single Parents Navigate Work and Home

    Committee: Sara Goodkind (Chair), Elizabeth Farmer, Jeffrey Shook, & Julia Henly

    Master of Social Work

    University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, 2017

    Master of Arts in Teaching, Special Education

    North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, 2012

    "Bachelor of Science, Health Policy and Administration

    The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, May 2008

    Schreyer Honors Scholar, Minor in Economics

    Honors Thesis: The Impact of Parenting Quality on Outcomes in Therapeutic Foster Care"

  • Assistant Professor, School of Social Work, Wayne State University, 2021-Present

  • Ballentine, K.L., Goodkind, S., & Shook, J. (2022). How low-paid parents navigate the complex financial landscape of benefits cliffs and disincentive deserts. Health Affairs, 41(12), 1707-1714.

    Fussell-Ware, D.J., Ballentine, K.L., Flores, A.T., Mangum, L.C., Omowale, S.S., MacKenzie, K.T., Ballard, A.J., Thyberg, C., & Aschraft, L.E. (2022). Using the consolidated framework for implementation research to promote anti-racism in social work higher education. Advances in Social Work, 22(2), 680-702.

    Woo, J., Shook, J., Goodkind, S., Ballentine, K., Engel, R., Kim, S., & Petracchi, H. (2022). Do wage increases help? Wage increases and material hardships among low-wage hospital workers. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 1-14.

    Woo, J., Ballentine, K. L., Shook, J., Engel, R., & Goodkind, S. (2022). Relationships among material hardships, perceived stress, and health among low-wage hospital workers. Health and Social Work, 47(1), 19-27.

    Ballentine, K. L. & Woo, J. (2021). A structural equation model of emotional labor, work-home interaction, and well-being. Social Work Research, 45(4), 269-280.

    Shook, J., Goodkind, S., Kolivoski, K., & Ballentine, K.L. (2021). Procedural justice and legal socialization among juvenile offenders: The role of defense attorneys. Journal of Social Issues, 77(2), 484-503.

    Ballentine, K. L., Goodkind, S., & Shook, J. (2020). From scarcity to investment: The range of strategies used by low-income parents with “good” low-wage jobs. [Special Issue]. Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services, 101(3), 260-274.

    Shook, J., Goodkind, S., Engel, R., Wexler, S. & Ballentine, K. L. (2020). Moving beyond poverty: Effects of low-wage work on individual, social, and familial well-being. [Special Issue]. Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services, 101(3), 249-259.

    Ballentine, K. L. (2019). Understanding racial differences in diagnosing ODD versus ADHD using Critical Race Theory. Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services, 100(3), 282–292.

    Goodkind, S. & Ballentine, K. L. (2017). Feminist social work and political engagement: Working toward social justice through local policy. Affilia, 32(4), 425-431.

    Farmer, E. M. Z, Murray, M., Ballentine, K. L., Rautkis, M. & Burns, B. J. (2017). Would we know it if we saw it? Assessing quality of care in group homes for youth. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Problems 25(1), 28-36.

    Morris, A., Ballentine, K. L., & Farmer, E. M. Z., (2012). Learning for and from the field: The experience of being a research interviewer. Residential Treatment for Children and Youth, 29(4), 265-281.

    Ballentine, K. L., Morris, A., & Farmer, E. M. Z. (2012). Following youth after out-of-home placement: Navigating a data collection obstacle course. Residential Treatment for Children and Youth, 29(1), 32-47.

    Murray, M., Southerland, D., Farmer, E. M. Z., & Ballentine, K. L. (2010). Enhancing and adapting treatment foster care: Lessons Learned in trying to change practice. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 19, 393-403.

  • Principal Investigator, Examining the Effect of Low-Paid Working Conditions on Parental School Engagement, Fraser Center, $2,500, 2022-2023

    Principal Investigator of Record,(Co-Investigators Jeffrey Shook, Rafael Engel, & Sara Goodkind) From Barely Making it to? The Effects of Wage Increases for Low-Wage Workers, Heinz Endowments, $150,000, 2022-2023

    Principal Investigator of Record (Co-Investigators Jeffrey Shook & Sara Goodkind), Understanding the Effects of the Benefits Cliff on Low-wage Workers and their Young Children, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, $90,000, 2019-2021

    Research Associate, Pittsburgh Wage Study: The Effects of Wage Increases on Hospital Workers’ Lives and Work, Heinz Endowments, $250,000, 2017-2020

    Eileen Blackey Doctoral Fellow, An Examination of How Parents in Low-Wage Hospital Jobs Navigate Home, Work, and Their Children’s School, NASW Foundation, $6,500, 2019-2020

    Principal Investigator, An Examination of How Parents in Low-Wage Hospital Jobs Navigate Home, Work, and Their Children’s School, School of Social Work Student Research Fund, University of Pittsburgh, $500, 2019

    Principal Investigator, An Examination of How Parents in Low-Wage Hospital Jobs Navigate Home, Work, and Their Children’s School, Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies Department Student Research Fund, University of Pittsburgh, $960, 2019

    Funded Leader, Allegheny County Jail Medical Neglect Documentation Project, Sprout Fund Seed Fund Award, $1,000, 2016"

  • Ballentine, K.L. "I'm Not the Kind of Person to Just Call Off": Single Mothers’ Experiences with Paid Time Off Policies in Low-paid Healthcare Jobs. Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management 44th Annual Conference, November 2022, Washington, D.C.

    Ballentine, K.L. “We’re not them and they’re not us”: Low-paid healthcare workers’ experiences navigating workplace discrimination. Work and Family Researchers Network 6th Biannual Conference, June 2022, New York City.

    Woo, J. & Ballentine, K.L. Caregivers’ burden when working in the healthcare industry amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Work and Family Researchers Network 6th Biannual Conference, June 2022, New York City.

    Ballentine, K.L., Goodkind, S., & Shook, J. Symposium. Using life history calendars to understand the benefits cliff among lower-wage parents. Association for Public Policy and Management, Fall 2021 Conference, March 2022. [Date shifted due to COVID-19]

    Ballentine, K.L. Symposium. “I’m not the kind of person to just call off”: Workers’ experiences of paid time off policies in low-wage healthcare jobs. Society for Social Work Research, 26th Annual Conference, January 2022. (Withdrawn due to COVID-19)

    Ballentine, K. L., Goodkind, S., Shook, J., Gomez, E., & Patel, N. Oral Paper submitted as ePoster due to COVID-19. Examining how raises affect public benefits access for lower wage workers in the era of the fight for $15. Society for Social Work Research, 26th Annual Conference, January 2022.

    Ballentine, K. L., Woo, J., & Goodkind, S. Symposium. A qualitative study of work-family conflict among low-wage parents: The role of workplace climate. Society for Social Work Research, 25th Annual Conference, January 2021.

    Goodkind, S, Hyde, C., Haley, A., Ballentine, K. L., & Allmang, S. Roundtable. Social work’s role in addressing precarious, undervalued work across labor sectors. Society for Social Work Research, 25th Annual Conference, January 2021.

    Woo, J., Ballentine, K. L., Kim, S., Shook, J., Goodkind, S., Engel, R., Wexler, S., & Petracchi, H. Poster Presentation. Public vs. private: Do strategies to make ends meet moderate the relationship between financial insecurity and stress? Society for Social Work Research, 25th Annual Conference, January 2021.

    Woo, J., Ballentine, K. L., Engel, R., Shook, J., & Goodkind, S. Relationships among Material Hardships, Perceived Stress, and Health among Low-Wage Workers. Paper to be presented at the 66th CSWE Annual Program Meeting, November 2020.

    Ballentine, K. L. & Woo, J. Symposium. A qualitative study of work-family interaction among low-income hospital workers with a “high road” employer. Work Family Research Network, New York City, June 2020.

    Woo, J. & Ballentine, K. L. Oral Paper. More money? More problems?: Good jobs do not prevent workers' stress from spilling over to their health. Work Family Research Network, New York City, June 2020.

    Ballentine, K. L. (2020). Oral Paper. A Holistic View of Single Parenting: Navigating Low-Wage Jobs, Elementary Schools, and Home. National Association of Social Workers National Conference. Washington, D. C., June 2020. (Oral papers cancelled).

    Ballentine, K. L. Symposium. “I could have been there to help him more”: A qualitative study of work-family conflict among low-wage hospital workers with dependent children. Society for Social Work Research, 24th Annual Conference, Washington, D. C., January 2020.

    Ballentine, K. L. & Woo, J. Oral Paper. Using structural equation modeling to understand the pathway between work-home interaction and well-being among social workers. Society for Social Work Research, 24th Annual Conference, Washington, D. C., January 2020.

    Goodkind, S., Ballentine, K. L., Wexler, S., Waton, A., Shook, J., & Engel, R. Oral Presentation. The social construction of deserved wage: How do low-wage hospital workers respond to income inequality. Society for Social Work Research, 24th Annual Conference, Washington, D. C., January 2020.

    Kim, S., Woo, J, Shook, J., Ballentine, K. L., Goodkind, S., Engel, R., & Wexler, S. Oral Paper. Is $15 enough? Understanding the struggles of low-wage workers. Society for Social Work Research, 24th Annual Conference, Washington, D. C., January 2020.

    Farmer, E. M. Z. & Ballentine, K. L. Poster Presentation. Listening to youth: The importance of youth perspectives in understanding perceptions of safety and outcomes in group homes. Society for Social Work Research, 24th Annual Conference, Washington, D. C., January 2020.

    Ballentine, K. L., MacKenzie, K. & Goodkind, S. Oral Presentation. What happens when the fight for $15 is won? Strategies to cope with hardship among low-wage parents. Society for Social Work Research, 23rd Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, January 2019.

    Shook, J., Goodkind, S., Engel, R., Ballentine, K. L., Wexler, S., Petracchi, H. & Woo, J. Oral Presentation. Raising wages of low wage workers: Does it help? Society for Social Work Research, 23rd Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, January 2019.

    Goodkind, S., Ballentine, K. L., Hill, H., Shook, J., Engel, R. & Allard, S. Roundtable. Studying the Impact of Raising Wages of Low-Wage Workers. Society for Social Work Research, 22nd Annual Conference, Washington, D. C., January 2018.

    Farmer, E. M. Z, Murray, M., Ballentine, K. L., Morris, A. & Burns, B. J. Symposium. Improving Usual Care: The Care of Treatment Foster Care. A System of Care for Children’s Mental Health Annual Conference, Tampa, FL, March 2011.

    Farmer, E. M. Z., Murray, M., Kelsey, K., Ballentine, K. L., Morris, A. & Burns, B. J. Quality of Care in Group Homes, Teaching Family Association Annual Meeting, Charleston, SC, November 2009.

  • Ballentine, K. L., Goodkind, S., Shook, J, & Tillman, H. (2022). Research brief: Earned Income Tax Credit Access.

    Shook, J., Woo, J., Ballentine, K., Goodkind, S., Tillman, H., Jones-Casey, G. & Engel, R. (2022, April). Leaving the Bedside: Findings from the Pittsburgh Hospital Workers Survey. Pittsburgh, PA: Pittsburgh Wage Study.

    Woo, J., Shook, J., Goodkind, S., Tillman, H., Jones-Casey, G., Engel., R., Ballentine, K. L., Kim, S., & Wexler, S. (2021). Research brief: Moving Beyond $15: Comparing Hardships among Healthcare Workers Earning Below and Above $20/hour.

    Woo, J., Ballentine, K. L., Engel, R., Kim, S., Gordon, J., Shook, J., & Goodkind, S. (2021). Research brief: One Year into the COVID-19 Pandemic: Mental Health of Healthcare Workers.

    Woo, J., Ballentine, K. L., Shook, J., Engel, R., Goodkind, S., Kim, S., Petracchi, H., & Wexler, S. (2020). Research brief: Pathways from hardship to health among low-wage workers.

    Ballentine, K. L., Jones-Casey, G., Goodkind, S., & Shook, J. (2020). The power of organizing: Micro meets macro. Social Work Today, 20(4), 6-7.

    Woo, J., Shook, J., Ballentine, K. L., Kim, S., Goodkind, S., Engel, R., Petracchi, H., & Wexler, S. (2020). Research brief: Raising wages of low wage workers: Does it help?

    Woo, J., Shook, J., Ballentine, K. L., Kim, S., Goodkind, S., Engel, R., Petracchi, H., Wexler, S. (2020). Research brief: Public transit helps essential hospital workers get to work.

    Engel, R., Wexler, S., Kim, S., Tabachnick, M, Ballentine, K. L., Woo, J., Goodkind, S., Petracchi, H., & Shook, J. (2020). Research brief: Can healthcare workers’ family incomes support their families?

    Ballentine, K. L., Goodkind, S., Waton, A., Wexler, S., Woo, J., Kim, S., Shook, J., Engel, R., & Petracchi, H. (2020). Research brief: “Without us the hospitals wouldn’t stay open”: Essential contributions of service workers.

    Kim, S., Woo, J., Shook, S., Ballentine, K. L., Goodkind, S., Engel, R., & Wexler, S. (2020). Research brief: Is $15 enough? Understanding the struggles of low wage workers.

    Shook, J.J., Engel, R., Goodkind, S., Ballentine, K. L., Linardi, S., Wexler, S., Petracchi, H., Bialick, L., Woo, J., Jacobson, D., & Fusco, R. (2017). Research brief: Pittsburgh Wage Study preliminary findings.

    Murray, M., Dorsey, S., Farmer, E. M. Z., Burns, B. J., & Ballentine, K. L. (2015). Together Facing the Challenge: A Therapeutic Foster Care Resource Toolkit, 2nd Edition.

  • Preliminary results on the Pittsburgh Hospital Workers Study. Office of the Mayor, City of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh PA, March 2022.

    Low-wage work and parenting: Evidence from the Pittsburgh Wage Study. Psychology Outreach Lunch Series, Psychology Department, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, March 2019.

    We are the future of SSWR: Building a strong network of social work doctoral students. Society for Social Work Research, 23rd Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, January 2019.

    What is the effect of wage increases on worker well-being? Pittsburgh Wage Study Symposium, Pittsburgh, PA, September 2018.

    Common Disabilities and Community Services, 12th Annual UPMC Child Maltreatment Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, 2017.

    Best Practices in Disability Services, 12th Annual UPMC Child Maltreatment Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, 2017.

  • Research Director – Understanding the Effects of the Benefits Cliff on Low-wage Workers and their Young Children January 2020 – July 2021

    School of Social Work, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA

    Design and operationalize research method. Recruit and interview participants. Collaborate with Principal Investigators to analyze data, write manuscripts, and disseminate findings to key stakeholders and the broader community.

    "Research Associate – Pittsburgh Wage Study June 2015 – July 2021

    School of Social Work, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA

    Complete qualitative and quantitative data analysis with the Pittsburgh Wage Study data. Contribute to publications and presentations for a variety of audiences, including community stakeholders, funders, and researchers. Maintain study website. Train and supervise research interviewers and master’s level analysts. Serve as research coordinator, responsible for participant recruitment, interview protocol and coordination, and data management.

    "Research Assistant August 2015 - May 2015

    School of Social Work, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA

    Participated in Child Welfare Resource Center research team. Completed a literature review and transcribed focus groups.

    "Training Manual Developer and Editor October 2014 - September 2015

    Services Effectiveness Research Program, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

    Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC

    Applied feedback of social work supervisors and researchers to optimize implementation fidelity of Together Facing the Challenge Training Manual, a train-the-trainer model for Therapeutic Foster Parents. Collaborated with national leaders in Therapeutic Foster Care to create documents, manuals, checklists and promotional materials for print and e-publication.

    "Research Interviewer and Data Technician June 2008 - August 2011

    Services Effectiveness Research Program, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

    Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC

    Collected and managed data for an NIMH-funded, statewide study of group home care for youth. Interviewed and developed professional relationships with staff of twelve agencies across North Carolina and over 800 children and their families. Participated in data analysis and management. Contributed to research publications and conference presentations.

  • Instructor August – December 2021

    August 2022-Present

    Social Justice, Human Rights, & Diversity in an Urban Context, MSW

    School of Social Work, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI

    Provide instruction and evaluation of competency in practice skills, content knowledge, and ethical reasoning for 25-30 MSW-level social work students. Design research-based cooperative learning activities to enhance student engagement and improve learning outcomes.

    Guest Lectures

    School of Social Work, University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, IL

    Poverty as a Labor Issue, Social Welfare Policy and Services, MSW, October 2022

    School of Social Work, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD

    How to Pursue Social Justice through Research, First-year Doctoral Seminar, PhD, April 2022

    Instructor January - April 2022

    Social Policy & Advocacy, MSW

    School of Social Work, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI

    Provide instruction and evaluation of competency in practice skills, content knowledge, and ethical reasoning for 30 MSW-level social work students. Design research-based cooperative learning activities to enhance student engagement and improve learning outcomes.

    Co-Instructor January – August 2021

    Directed Study, BASW

    School of Social Work, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA

    Integrated two BASW-level students into an ongoing research project by providing weekly instruction and supervision in qualitative analysis and working with each student to develop a final dissemination project to increase the impact of our current research.

    Teaching Fellow August 2019 - December 2019

    Foundations of Social Welfare, BASW

    School of Social Work, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA

    Served as instructor of record for 35 diverse undergraduates. Designed engaging class activities using research-based pedagogical approaches.

    Co-Instructor January 2019 - May 2019

    Foundations of Social Welfare, MSW

    School of Social Work, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA

    Collaborated with the lead instructor for the course to rework the syllabus and curriculum, to provide a more inclusive and holistic understanding of social welfare problems and policies. Updated lesson plans to increase student engagement through close reading and collaborative group activities. Completed 50% of teaching, test design, and all grading.

    Teaching Assistant August 2018 - December 2018

    Foundations of Social Welfare, MSW

    School of Social Work, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA

    Provided learning support to 49 students in Foundations of Social Welfare. Taught weekly recitations. Gave two lectures. Contributed to enhancing pedagogical effectiveness.

    Guest Lecturer

    School of Social Work, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA

    Queer Theory, Feminist Social Work, MSW, November 2019

    Women as Workers and Mothers, Feminist Social Work, MSW, October 2019

    Domestic Violence and Feminist Social Work Approaches, Feminist Social Work, MSW October 2018

    Intersectionality and Social Work Practice, Feminist Social Work, MSW, September 2018

    Examining the Use of Best Practices in Pedagogical Training for Doctoral Students, Seminar for Social Work Education, PhD, November 2017

    Professionalization of Social Work, Foundations of Social Welfare, BASW, October 2017

    The Dilemmas and Challenges of Sex Work for Social Workers, Feminist Social Work, MSW, October 2017

  • Program Development Specialist May 2016 - August 2017

    Office of Children, Youth, and Families, Allegheny County Department of Human Services, Pittsburgh, PA

    Worked to develop specialized foster care programs to improve outcomes and reunification stability for children and families. Consulted on policy and practice development related to foster care provision.

    MSW Intern January - August 2017

    Community Living and Support Services, Pittsburgh, PA

    Provided direct services to adults with disabilities including instruction in day treatment and community settings. Evaluated instructional competencies of Program Specialists in Day Treatment Program using observational and survey data to inform staff trainings. Presented to local conferences regarding best practices for working with individuals with disabilities.

    MSW Intern October 2015 - May 2016

    Office of Children, Youth, and Families, Allegheny County Department of Human Services, Pittsburgh, PA

    Wrote a program proposal to implement enhanced foster care services for children and youth with emotional and behavioral problems. Researched best practices. Observed and interviewed caseworkers and foster care agency staff.

    Exceptional Children’s Teacher and Department Chair July 2013 - May 2015

    North Graham Elementary School, Graham, NC

    Implemented research-based curricula and instructional techniques to address individualized student needs in a rural Title I school. Created and provided training on a school-wide behavior intervention manualServed in leadership role as Department Chair and member of the following committees: District Strategic Planning Committee, the school Leadership Committee, the Positive Behavioral Intervention Support Committee, and the Response to Intervention Committee. Teacher of the year nominee.

    Second Grade Teacher August 2012 - June 2013

    Voyager Academy Elementary School, Durham, NC

    Instructed a second grade Exceptional Children’s inclusion classroom. Applied knowledge of effective instructional strategies to implement Workshop and Project-Based Learning Models with a collaborative team. Served on the Literacy Committee.

    Founding Leader and Program Director September 2009 - November 2012

    Latino Educational Achievement Partnership, Durham, NC

    Founded and managed the first individualized tutoring and bilingual kindergarten readiness programs for Latinx youth in the Triangle Area. Recruited and trained volunteers to be effective instructors and inspiring mentors. Presented to local funders. Created promotional and training materials. Developed organizational structure.

    Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Survivor’s Advocate

    Durham Crisis Response Center, Durham, NC January 2009 - October 2010

    Centre County Women’s Resource Center, State College, PA August 2007 - May 2008

    YWCA of the Greater Harrisburg Area, Harrisburg, PA May - August 2007

    Resident Assistant August 2006 - May 2008

    Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA

    Center for Women Students Peer Educator August 2005 - May 2008

    Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA

    English as a Second Language Tutor January 2005 - December 2006

    Mid-State Literacy Center, State College, PA

    Policy Research and Analysis Intern May - August 2006

    Department of Public Welfare, Medical Assistance, Harrisburg, PA May - August 2005

  • Families in Society

    Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders

    Residential Treatment for Children and Youth Journal

    British Journal of Social Work

  • Affiliate Researcher, Detroit Partnership for Education Equity & Research Detroit PEER, 2022-present

    Faculty Advisor, Rad Social Workers, School of Social Work, Wayne State University, 2022- present

    Member, Accessibility Committee, School of Social Work, Wayne State University, 2022-present

    Secretary, Coalition of Unions, Wayne State University, 2021-present

    Member, Social Media Committee, School of Social Work, Wayne State University, 2021

    Member, Gender Sexuality and Women’s Studies Advisory Board, Wayne State University, 2021-present

    Member, Anti-Racist Doctoral Program Student Committee, University of Pittsburgh, 2020-2021

    Doctoral Student Representative on Inclusion and Diversity Committee, University of Pittsburgh, 2020-2021

    Doctoral Student Representative on Faculty Doctoral Committee, Doctoral Student Organization, University of Pittsburgh, 2018-2019, 2020-2021

    Chair, Mentoring Subcommittee of the Doctoral Student Committee for the Society of Social Work Research, 2017-2021

    Member, Leadership Subcommittee of the Doctoral Student Committee for the Society of Social Work Research, 2017-2021

    Organizer, Graduate Student Organizing Committee, University of Pittsburgh, 2017-2020

    Member, Post Hoc PhD Advisory Committee, Provost Office, University of Pittsburgh, 2019-2020

    Interviewer, Schreyer Honors College Prospective Student Interview Program, Pennsylvania State, University, 2011-2019

    Campaign Member, Allegheny County Jail Health Justice Project, 2015-2017

  • Teacher of the Year, School of Social Work, Wayne State University, 2022

    Early Career Fellow, Work and Family Researchers Network, 2022-2023

    Faculty Accessibility Fellow, Wayne State University, 2022

    Iris Marion Young Award for Political Engagement, Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies Program & Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of Pittsburgh, 2020

    Dean’s Scholar Award, School of Social Work, University of Pittsburgh, 2018

    Achievement in Pedagogy, Center for Teaching and Learning, University of Pittsburgh, October 2017

    Doctoral Paper Award: A Theoretical Analysis of Differential Diagnosis of Oppositional Defiance Disorder and Attention-Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder by Race, Center for Race and Social Problems, University of Pittsburgh, 2017

  • Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management

    Society for Social Work Research

    Work and Family Researchers Network