Research Expertise & Consultation:

I am available for expert consultation and media contact on the following substantive and methodological areas: 


  • Parents of young children

  • Lower income workers

  • Elementary-age youth

  • Children and adults with disabilities


  • Qualitative analysis & interviewing

  • Longitudinal research design, data collection and analysis

  • Mixed-methods research

  • Field and community-engaged research


  • Poverty, inequality, and social policy

  • Parenting & parent engagement in social systems

  • Work-family strain

  • Labor

  • Feminist Theory & Feminist Social Work

  • Power & Oppression


Pedagogical Consultation:

I also offer pedagogical consultation. As a trained educator specializing in universal design and cooperative learning, I can help trainers and faculty who are hoping to improve classroom inclusivity, ensure diverse students can access content, and develop activities and instructional approaches to increase student achievement. With experience spanning from early elementary to graduate school to foster parent trainings, I can assist in a wide range of settings. Let me help you improve your classroom environment and increase your student engagement!